It all started here; no, not really. Everyone's adoption story is personal and their own journey. Though so much is the same for us, I've also found that it's dynamic as you go through the process and the eventual being at home with your child. At least for me it has been. There were so many important milestones along the way; so many red threads; so many "wow" moments. As life goes on though, like everything, they fade and are replaced by the most current event. The best part of journaling this way for me has been two-fold: It's been a way for me to look back and re-visit those amazing moments in time; and it's also been a way for me to share with other mom's along the way... So, I started an on-line journal, like most parents do, during the paperchase for Eliza and throughout our time in China. I continued that journal well after being home. I finally decided it was time to do the blog thing. So, even though I had created this page nearly 2 years ago, it wasn't until just recently (May 2008) that I got back to this blog. The funny thing is, it all started with the illustration of the letter "e" and the beautiful little asian girl. I knew her name before I knew her; I knew her face before I knew her...a gift that this journey gave me. Enjoy!