Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Recent pictures of Nina Meiying!

Pop over to my blog for Nina Meiying, "Beautiful Flower" at the link shown on my sidebard or here
http://www.tobringherhome.blogspot.com for recent pictures! She's so cute and I can't wait to braid her long, thick, curly hair!! Here's a sneak-peak of one of the pictures I just posted to her blog.


The Montieth Family said...

OH-MY-GOSH!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!! :O :O :O You found another picture of Nina?! What a treasure, it is God's sign to you to keep moving forward my friend. :) She is SO PRETTY, she could be a model.

Smiles, Megan XX

Truly Blessed said...

Oh my word, she's so beautiful!

I'm jealous that you get to do this over again. Can't wait until you're able to travel!!